Monday, February 27, 2012

Refelection 2/27/12

Today I was able to finish up my planning stage and add the little details that I needed. I consider myself now ready to start actually creating the video. by next class period, I will be looking for the tools needed to create the video from Design 3.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Reflection (2/13/12)

Today I was able to create my survey on SurveyMonkey. After I finished creating my 5 question survey, I started to creat my Gantt chart. I wasn't able to finish it up, but I expect to finish it by next class. Since I did not attend last class, I was able to catch up with everything and I just plan on doing the rest of the work in the next class and hopefully I'll be advanced. 


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Today I was able to finish up the Investigation part of the project and hand it to my teacher. I have now been able to start on my planning stage so this means that I'm ahead in my schedule. Hopefully I'll be able to stay on track so that I won't fall back eventually.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Today, I tried to get as much as posible done for my investigate stage of my project. I managed to comlpete one of my programs comparison, but I still need to finish the second table. I came to conclusion that Animoto is a very good program and I am highly considering to use it for the creation of my video. For my next class I plan to finish up the second table and finish the comparison.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reflection (2/1/12)

Today I statred to go more into depth with my research and I studied how Animoto and Clipgenerator work and how easy it is to use them. Today, the IB Learner profile that I used the most was Inquirer, because I had to ask myself questions about the video tools hat I am considering to use. I would like to become a better knowledgeable person, becuase I would like to gain knowledge so that some of my other classes may be facilitated. For my project I am planning on creating a video that demonstrates the importance of being an Inquirer and it is because of that, that I am looking into video tools. Based on the criterion F Attitudes of Technology, I would give myself a 5 because I did my work, but I didn't manage to finish comparing the two video tools.